Let’s discuss politics

This week, the 2 Minute Tip provides suggestions for discussing different political opinions. 

William Doherty, a marriage counselor and family therapist, co-founded Braver Angels, an organization that facilitates conversations between people from opposite sides of the political aisle. Yes, the American family needs a therapist. 

Here is his very practical, 3-part advice for talking with someone with different political views:

Be humble & accept responsibility. Meaningful progress occurs when both sides recognize they have contributed to the problem.

Seek to understand. Talk less. Listen more. Rather than explain your point of view, start from the place of trying to understand why the person sees the world differently.

Don’t try to change the other person. It won’t work and will just lead to endless arguing. We can only change ourselves. 

Now, if you’re saying to yourself “I can’t do that if the other person won’t!” then re-read the three points above. You can influence others by controlling yourself. 

Tune in tomorrow to learn Braver Angel’s LAPP technique of speaking with someone who you disagree with politically. 


The LAPP Technique


Talk to the enemy?