
Confession time: I mumble.

Despite people looking at me funny, saying “huh?” often, I didn’t really realize this until I started making videos to promote the Confident Communicator.

Watching my own recordings, I kept saying “huh?”

I was running my words together.

Enunciation is an often overlooked key to effective communication. Without it, we make people work to understand us.

Clear enunciation punches up our words. Makes it easy to understand what we’re saying.

  • Pronunciation is focusing on which syllables should be emphasized.

  • Enunciation refers to how clearly and distinctly you form the sounds that make up a word or sentence.

Problems with enunciation include:

  • Dropping “g” sounds: “He’s goin’ to the store”

  • Blending words: “gonna” instead of “going to”

  • Speaking too quickly: So words run together

  • Muttering: Speaking softly or under your breath

  • Mumbling: Speaking indistinctly, in a low voice

Any of these issues make our words difficult for the listener to distinguish.

What’s the best way to learn and improve your enunciation?

Just use your phone or computer to record a normal conversation or presentation. Play it back and listen for your enunciation. Pretty soon, you’ll begin listening to yourself as you speak because you know what to look for and to practice.


Instead of looking for approval, do this instead


Stop trying to be someone else