The one who gets angry loses

Image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Here’s an observation of today’s work culture, at least in most workplaces I’ve seen.

The one who gets angry is the one who is seen as the problem.

We all know manipulative, information-hoarding, silo-loving, narcissistic people who remain cool and collected when confronted about it. Maybe they gaslight, act confused, or hurt.

The good, accommodating people around them are frustrated, angry, and divided.

Sometimes, someone is brave enough to confront them, but it doesn’t go well. Frustrated by the duplicity, games, lies, and manipulation, our good guy loses his cool. Maybe he yells, points fingers, accuses...

Guess who loses?

The one who gets angry loses.

It’s a sad reality of our society, but what will you do with this realization?


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